This page contains information about the Ukrainian criminal justice system. Although believed to be generally accurate, neither the Department of State, its Diplomatic and Consular Missions, nor its employees accept any responsibility for the accuracy of the information contained herein. U.S. citizens should not rely solely on this information, but should direct specific questions regarding Ukrainian criminal procedures to a qualified attorney licensed to practice law in Ukraine. We must emphasize that changes in the Criminal Code, the Code of Criminal Procedure, and the regulations of any specific jail or prison may substantially limit the rights and privileges afforded to a U.S. citizen incarcerated in Ukraine. It is the job of the incarcerated U.S. citizen’s attorney to keep him/her abreast of any changes. This page was prepared solely as a guide to assist U.S. citizents in understanding the laws and procedures governing the Ukrainian legal and p...
м.Київ, проспект Перемоги 52/2 оф.31 +380 67 7752277 Працюю по Україні. Посадові злочини. Злочини про хабарництво, ст.308 КК України, Військовий адвокат Киїів, Одеса, Львів. Перерахунок пенсій. Самовільне залишення військової частини, ст.410 КК України. Кримінальний Адвокат, Адвокат по ДТП, справи про адміністративні правопорушення (ст.ст. 124, 130 КУпАП) Сімейний адвокат. Адвокат для підприємства.